10 Must-See Back to School Teacher Supply Hauls
10 Must-See Back to School Teacher Supply Hauls

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE WATCHING HAUL VIDEOS. Truly. Grocery hauls, Target hauls, makeup hauls, you name it, I LOVE IT! There’s something so satisfying about watching other people unpack their shopping.
These back to school hauls I watched straight through in one afternoon and I knew that I absolutely had to share about them here. Because these are teachers doing back to school hauls, there’s something even more satisfying about watching these videos: each video gave me a unique idea to take into my classroom, and not all of them even required shopping! Some gave me organizational ideas, others gave me design ideas, and others flat out sent me straight to Amazon.
Check out these teacher hauls and let me know what ideas you get in the comments!