Creating Culturally Responsive and Caring Classrooms: A New EBook

Download a copy of the ebook for free right here.

I'm so excited to share this post with you all today.  The following post is taken from the foreword to a brand new ebook:  Creating Culturally Responsive and Caring Classrooms.  This ebook is a collaborative effort of 25 Teachers Pay Teachers authors and you can download it for FREE here.  Read on for a taste of what our book is all about...

The world is changing and now, more than ever, we are afraid.  We’re not talking about the exciting kind of change, the innovative and positive growth kind of change.  The global media narrative is keeping us vigilantly aware of the violence and terror that surrounds us, or could surround us, at any given time.  We are grieving the loss of innocent victims of terror and shutting our doors in an effort to stay safe.  Behind those doors, many of us are clinging to a #hashtagbeliefsystem that allows us to participate in this controversial world without necessarily stepping out into the streets.  From Syria, to Orlando, to Dallas, to Baton Rouge, to Brussels, to Nice, and beyond, we are stunned by oppressive hatred and destruction to our fellow human race: all of this in the year 2016 alone.  

Our world is broken, hurting, and desperate for healing.  So where does that leave us, the secondary educator?  How can we, or should we, attempt to address the pain that is so palpable in our world with our students?

The team of teachers in this ebook agree:  the answer is to create a culturally responsive and caring classroom.  We can’t singlehandedly change the course of terrorism or reach out a hand an instantly heal a family torn apart by war, but we can make our classrooms a safe space to learn, be challenged, and to develop into responsible citizens that will, someday, make our world a better place.

This ebook is a collection of suggestions, ideas, and responses to our changing world.  Each author has contributed his or her own page responding to the question:  how can we create culturally responsive and caring classrooms starting on the first day of school?  As you (as we all do) get caught up shopping back to school sales and putting up new bulletin boards, we urge you to spend equal energy carefully considering and planning ways to ensure that your classroom is a culturally responsive and caring place for students.

Thank you for downloading this incredible resource.  Each of the teacher authors are listed in the table of contents and have provided links to their social media connections.  Please feel free to follow us and reach out to connect on this incredible journey we call teaching.


Amanda Cardenas

Mud and Ink Teaching

Editor and Contributor




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