Cultivating Critical Thinkers: My Approach to Teaching Literature
As an educator, I've always been passionate about instilling critical thinking skills in my students. It's a topic that I recently had the opportunity to reflect on during a professional development session, and I want to share with you the insights and strategies that I believe are essential for deep engagement in the classroom.
Cultivating Critical Thinkers: My Approach to Teaching Literature
As an educator, I've always been passionate about instilling critical thinking skills in my students. It's a topic that I recently had the opportunity to reflect on during a professional development session, and I want to share with you the insights and strategies that I believe are essential for deep engagement in the classroom.
Challenging the Status Quo
During a recent PD session, I found myself in a bit of a controversial spot. I questioned a fellow teacher's approach to curriculum, which led to a broader discussion about our roles as educators. It's crucial for us to think like our students and to prioritize deep critical thinking over simply entertaining them. We need to focus on developing skills that lead to deeper critical thinking and provide opportunities for students to engage authentically with the material.
Teaching Literature Beyond Comprehension
When it comes to teaching literature, my approach might be a little unconventional. I steer clear of recall-based or plot-based activities. Instead, I encourage students to seek out summaries on their own and focus on the bigger issues at hand. It's about letting go of the minor details and teaching students to read for big picture connections. Comprehension is important, but it shouldn't be the primary focus. We should be guiding our students to think critically about broader themes and societal issues.
The Power of Close Reading
Close reading is a significant part of my teaching strategy. It's not about getting through an entire novel; it's about diving deep into passages and analyzing them. This mirrors adult book club discussions where despite different levels of recall, everyone can contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Close reading fosters a collective understanding of the text and teaches students valuable rhetorical and literary analysis skills.
Pairing Texts and Media for Enhanced Engagement
I'm a big advocate for pairing contrasting texts and media to stimulate critical thinking. For instance, combining literature with podcasts or other media that address relevant societal issues can create a dynamic learning environment. This approach encourages students to engage critically with the material and see the connections between the text and the world around them.
Visuals and Hands-On Activities
Incorporating visuals and hands-on activities is another way to enhance metaphorical thinking and create moments for critical thinking in the classroom. These methods help students to visualize and interact with the concepts in a tangible way, further deepening their understanding and engagement.
Conclusion: Prioritizing Deep Engagement
My approach to teaching literature and critical thinking is all about prioritizing deep engagement, critical analysis, and real-world connections. It's about cultivating students' ability to think critically about the world around them. As educators, we have the power to shape how our students perceive and interact with the world, and it's our responsibility to equip them with the skills they need to navigate it thoughtfully and analytically.
In the end, the goal is not just to teach literature but to foster a generation of thinkers who can analyze, question, and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Life's Blueprint: An ELA Lesson Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King’s legacy is especially powerful in the ELA classroom: his words, his rhetoric, and the passion with which he speaks them is not only worthy of study in its own right, but the overlaps into our content area make the analysis of the layers of his work that much more rich and impactful. Here is a free lesson walkthrough for your middle or high school English class celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
Life's Blueprint: An ELA Lesson Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King’s legacy is especially powerful in the ELA classroom: his words, his rhetoric, and the passion with which he speaks them is not only worthy of study in its own right, but the overlaps into our content area make the analysis of the layers of his work that much more rich and impactful.
If your experience is anything like mine, I found myself a bit stuck in trying to find something different to read and analyze in honor of his birthday. By the time students got to me, they had already read or worked through “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and “I Have a Dream”, so a few years back I set out to find another great work to study that would be fresh for students and give them a new angle and understanding of the breadth of Dr. King's work.
What's your life blueprint?
This speech is a fantastic option if you find yourself in a similar position. Take a listen below:
I created a sketchnotes activity for you to use with some other lesson plan suggestions. I'm passing that along to you as just a thank you for being here and because sharing this work is so very important and I don't want anything to stand in the way of getting it done! On a seasonal note, this is the perfect e-learning lesson if school is called off around a snowy or brutally cold MLK day (it’s happened in Chicago before!).
The art of the sketchnote listening activity is that it takes us away from the “fill in the blank” mentality. With sketchnotes, students can actively listen, doodle, draw, sketch, and write in a way that vibes best with their brain’s pace and what emotionally resonates with them. You can play and pause the speech for each number to give students a chance to catch up, to share out loud, or to turn and talk to a partner. It’s important to note that each of the numbered components is NOT a question, rather, they’re phrases from the speech that serve to help students see the outline of his claim at a glance. The space on the page is for them to fill in with the details, evidence, and other words that exemplify that particular portion of the speech.
Maybe students were turning and talking at a few moments during the speech, but if they haven’t checked in yet, give them that chance. Let them process in a small group table or in pairs through each of the three components of the speech.
Next, create an opportunity for full class discussion. I like to set up a post-it note gallery walk. I place these posters at the center or top of a giant post it note. Then, students move around the room to each of these pull quote posters to:
share a connection
add on to the idea
illustrate how this looks in their mind
elaborate with more detail
When the timer goes off (4-5 minutes is sufficient), students rotate to the next pull quote poster to add their thoughts. As they move, they can bring their sketchnotes with them to reference as they think through the speech with a larger context.
Finally, once students have rotated through each of the posters, you are set up to lead a large group discussion poster-by-poster soliciting students to share their contributions and discuss the speech even further.
I set this lesson up and made the sketchnotes for you already! All you need to do is download them below.
The MLK Jr. holiday shouldn’t be the first time that a person of color is celebrated, highlighted, or studied. In the North American calendar, Dr. King’s birthday falls in January, and if we’ve gone an entire semester without looking at non-white leaders and cultural icons, that’s something important to reflect on.
There are opportunities all the time to give students access to meeting and researching the lives of powerful Black American “Influencers”. Before social media culture, activists, leaders, and speakers in the Black community were working tirelessly to shape the cultural landscape of America. Here is one way that I like to do that:
I hope you found these ideas helpful and inspiring. I hope you have a wonderful week at school and happy teaching!
Planning a Novel Unit Reading Calendar
The art of pacing out the reading during a novel unit can be tricky, so we’re going to take some time today to talk through the process. Whether you’re teaching a classic or a contemporary YA title, there are special considerations to be made for the design of your calendar and how we backwards plan for ELA. Let’s jump in!
Planning a Novel Unit Reading Calendar
The art of pacing out the reading during a novel unit can be tricky, so we’re going to take some time today to talk through the process. Whether you’re teaching a classic or a contemporary YA title, there are special considerations to be made for the design of your calendar and how we backwards plan for ELA. Let’s jump in!
For a while now, I've had the pleasure of guiding countless teachers through the intricacies of curriculum design and instructional coaching. In one of our most recent videos, I delved into a topic that's crucial for any literature teacher: creating an effective reading calendar. Today, I want to share with you the insights and strategies I discussed for building a reading calendar specifically tailored to the novel Fahrenheit 451. You can skim through this post to see the gist and then watch the full video when you’re ready!
Understanding Your Timeframe
The first step in crafting a reading calendar is to get a clear picture of the real time you have available for the unit. It's not just about the number of days on the calendar; it's about the actual class time you can dedicate to reading, discussions, and assessments. This understanding is foundational because it shapes how you'll pace the novel and plan your activities.
Setting Clear Assessment Goals
Before you dive into the reading schedule, it's essential to set your assessment goals. What do you want your students to achieve by the end of the unit? How will you measure their understanding and engagement with the text? These goals will guide you in structuring your calendar and ensuring that each activity aligns with your objectives.
Structuring for Engagement and Ownership
A well-structured reading calendar does more than just outline what to read and when; it fosters student ownership and engagement with the text. I advocate for backward planning, which means starting with your end goals and working backward to determine the steps needed to get there. This approach ensures that every part of your calendar is purposeful and directed towards your learning outcomes.
Decentering the Text for Broader Discussions
In our discussion, I emphasized the importance of decentering the text to allow for broader analysis and discussions. This means assigning larger chunks of reading at a time and not getting bogged down by focusing solely on the text itself, and instead, focusing on the essential question. By doing so, you create space for students to connect the novel to larger themes and ideas, which enriches their learning experience.
A Week in the Life of a Reading Calendar
Let me give you a glimpse into how I structure a reading calendar. Mondays are for assigning reading, which sets the tone for the week. Tuesdays are reserved for small group activities, which encourage collaboration and deeper understanding. Wednesdays and Thursdays are perfect for close reading exercises, allowing students to dive into the text's nuances. This structure balances guidance with autonomy, giving students the framework they need while empowering them to take charge of their reading.
Flexibility and Adaptation
One of the most important lessons I've learned is the value of flexibility. Every classroom is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It's okay to adjust the reading schedule based on your school's timetable and to be open to rearranging assessment, small group, and close reading days as needed.
Final Thoughts
Creating a reading calendar for Fahrenheit 451 or any novel is a balancing act between structure and flexibility. It requires an understanding of your timeframe, clear assessment goals, and a willingness to adapt to your students' needs. I encourage you to use the template I've provided as a starting point and to check the description box for additional resources.
I wish you all the best in planning your reading calendar. Happy teaching!
5 Ways to Look at the Magic of Clarisse in your Fahrenheit 451 Unit
Now, more than ever, we need to have Fahrenheit 451 in front of our students. From the new onset of AI technology to the daily threats of our intellectual and academic freedom, Fahrenheit provides windows, mirrors, and doors into our present and our future. While Montag’s transformation, the working symbolism, and general dystopian world-building are all incredibly important pieces to focus on, I’d like to argue that it’s possible we need Clarisse McClellan the most.
Now, more than ever, we need to have Fahrenheit 451 in front of our students. From the new onset of AI technology to the daily threats of our intellectual and academic freedom, Fahrenheit provides windows, mirrors, and doors into our present and our future. While Montag’s transformation, the working symbolism, and general dystopian world-building are all incredibly important pieces to focus on, I’d like to argue that it’s possible we need Clarisse McClellan the most.
The enigma.
The one character my students always feel collective sorrow for losing.
She brings us so much in this story but in the chaos of teaching and planning, her magic can be looked over. I’m here to help! Here are the most powerful places to let Clarisse step into the moonlight (too cheesy?):
One of the very first close reading lessons that we do is a side-by-side close reading between the first introduction of Montag and the first introduction of Clarisse. Between the imagery drawn from nature to the colors used in their description, this is a great place to clearly teach the purpose of a foil or static character. Clarisse’s constancy — her unwavering commitment to being exactly who she is and refusing to conform — is what allows us to see Montag’s transformation. There is a distinct “Montag before Clarisse” and “Montag after Clarisse”. Not all literature gives us such a clear angle to teach this piece of literary craft and I highly recommend using close reading to do this.
Clarisse is nature. She is water. She is the dew drops on the grass. She is the wind. As we learn about symbolism and track it throughout the novel, Clarisse’s symbols connect our readers to hope and humanity. Clarisse's appreciation for the natural world and her desire to connect with it on a personal level stand in stark contrast to the technology-obsessed, disconnected world of the novel. Clarisse (and her many objects) are a symbol of hope and resistance against a dystopian society. Her existence and actions inspire the protagonist Montag, and by extension, readers, to consider the possibility of change and a better future.
If you’ve ever looked around your classroom, I bet you’ve seen phones peeking out of hoodie pockets, fingers flipping through TikTok, and wondered: what on Earth does the future have in store for us? Clarisse is our character to bring everyone back to our humanity (while Mildred does a fine job of warning students of the consequences of continued obsessive technology behavior). Clarisse seeks genuine human connections and meaningful conversations in a world where people are more interested in mindless entertainment and shallow interactions through screens. Her character highlights the importance of real, face-to-face relationships, and every year that I’ve taught this, students DO connect to her. Students DO express the feeling that they’d much rather a world full of Clarisses than a world full of Mildreds.
All of the contrast provided by Clarisse gives us ample opportunity to close read and discuss the roles of other characters. When we look at the Montag and Mildred’s marriage, it is one thing by itself, and an entirely different thing when we consider Clarisse’s impact. Beatty and Montag also have a distinct relationship, and that is shifted entirely as Clarisee’s impact works its way between them.
In my Fahrenheit 451 unit, we examine the Essential Question: To what extent is rebellion a requirement for society to progress? Again, Montag typically sits at the center of this conversation, but none of his transformation would be possible without Clarisse. Clarisse values her individuality and refuses to conform to the mindless consumerism and thoughtlessness of her society. Her character serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining one's unique identity in the face of societal pressures - something that is becoming increasingly harder to do for us as adults and especially for students. She thinks deeply and critically about the world around her. She questions the conformity and superficiality of her society, encouraging readers to do the same in their own lives. Her love for books and the ideas they contain represents a rebellion against a society that burns books to control information and thought. This underscores the importance of literature and the free exchange of ideas.
Clarisse might be the first person that Montag has ever heard ask a question, much less questioning authority. She challenges the oppressive government and the censorship of books - and in doing so, is killed. The cost of her quiet rebellion, the cost of keeping the lights on, having conversations, and asking questions…the cost was her life. This underscores the power of fear: when we are afraid of what we don’t understand, fear can convince us to take extreme action in an effort to protect our comfort zone. This might be one of the most important themes for students to take away from studying the novel. Clarisse made Montag uncomfortable, but she also brought him out of the dark and into the light. As we work through Beatty’s speech in Part 1, I like to ask students what Clarisse’s reaction would be to what Beatty is reporting. In so many of Montag’s major close reading moments (moments of transformation), his last trailing thought always comes back to Clarisse and the feeling of her closeness and the painful reality of her loss.
Ready to go all-in on Fahrenheit?
If you’re ready to take the leap and transform the way you’ve always taught Fahrenheit or start teaching it for the first time, I have you covered. My complete unit is designed to take you through 5-6 weeks of inquiry driven, student-centered learning. Learn more about the unit here and be sure to click PREVIEW to take a look inside!
55+ Books for Your Next American Dream Unit for High School ELA
One of my favorite units to teach is a unit that focuses on the American Dream. It’s the perfect way to hone in on complex characterization and the layers of complexity are widely accommodating for skill level. Whether you’re building the unit to teach as a whole class novel unit or as a literature circles unit, this book list is here to save you time and energy in narrowing down the search.
One of the most frequently taught units in the American high school system is one centered on The American Dream. In some cases, this can be the focus for an entire 11th grade year study of literature. And while it’s a necessary and important lens for us to use when examining literature, it can get stale or even oversimplified when working with students. After several years of experimenting, I have found this Essential Question approach to excite and engage students across skill levels, interests, and backgrounds. Whether you’re building the unit to teach The Great Gatsby, A Raisin in the Sun, or another American classic or you’re ready to tackle this topic as a literature circle unit, this book list is here to save you time and energy in narrowing down the search. The books on this list open up the conversation about the American Dream widely and represent a variety of experiences and voices.
Themes VS Essential Questions
For a long time, I taught theme-based units: units were based on a teacher’s pre-selected theme and all of the learning was connected underneath the umbrella of the theme. I really liked the sense of connectedness, and quite honestly, I was craving that coming from a much less organized situation when I began my career. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the teacher-centeredness of this approach. The students had very little investment in the choice of the theme, and the direction of the conversation around the theme, and so much of it was tied to the teacher’s decided trajectory for the unit.
Inquiry, on the other hand, gave me the chance to use the best parts of themes, but deepen them and hand them over to students. Inquiry takes a thematic idea, roots it in a question, and then asks students to spend the duration of the unit investigating and exploring potential answers to that question as they progress toward the summative. Look at it this way as a “unit makeover” :
The thematic/topical unit states the focal point of the unit and we can assume that each of the texts in that unit will reveal different versions of the American Dream. The inquiry unit will do those same things as the thematic unit, but nudges students a massive step further: is it more likely to inspire us to do great things or destroy us along the way? The argumentative edge to this question presses students out of simple definitions and into the messy business of stating a claim on a continuum. This one big question begs dozens of smaller ones and sets up a unit that is connected, but also divergent. Most importantly, this question helps the unit address the critical nature of the way the dream manifested in drastically different ways depending on a person’s race, immigration status, and ancestry. This is a unit that is unified under a topic (The American Dream), but also ready to twist and turn with student curiosity. In the video below, I give a big longer take on the ways this question opens up possibilities within a unit:
Scroll through the list below of titles that are absolute perfection for this particular unit. Bookshop.org is a wonderful partner working to bring business to small, local bookstores, so if you can swing it, shop the list directly and you’ll be able to help out bookstores in your area!
Elevating Your Gatsby Unit: Examining Inspiration and Destruction
The duality of the American Dream - its capacity to both inspire and destroy - lies at the core of F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic novel, The Great Gatsby. When teaching this masterpiece, the essential question, "Is the American Dream more likely to inspire or destroy?" serves as a powerful lens through which students can explore the complex and often contradictory nature of this elusive ideal.
Through Gatsby's relentless pursuit of his dream, students witness the transformative power of ambition and hope. Yet, as his story unfolds, they also grapple with the destructive consequences of his obsession, the moral compromises he makes, and the ultimate emptiness of his achievements. This essential question allows students to delve into the multifaceted aspects of the American Dream as portrayed in the novel, from the glittering allure of wealth and social status to the disillusionment and despair that can lurk beneath the surface.
By incorporating this inquiry-driven approach, teachers can foster a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. Students are encouraged to question and analyze the various characters' journeys, their motivations, and the ultimate consequences of their pursuit of the American Dream. This leads to rich discussions, insightful writing, and a deeper appreciation of the enduring relevance of Fitzgerald's cautionary tale.
What other books would you add to this list? I know there are so many that fit this EQ so perfectly and it was hard to keep the list manageable. I’d love to hear your additions in the comments!
let’s go shopping!
Books for Your Next Unit on Relationships for Middle and High School ELA
One of my favorite units to teach is a unit that focuses on relationships. It’s the perfect way to hone in on complex characterization and the layers of complexity are widely accommodating for skill level. Whether you’re building the unit to teach as a whole class novel unit or as a literature circles unit, this book list is here to save you time and energy in narrowing down the search.
why do relationships matter?
One of my favorite units to teach is a unit that focuses on relationships. It’s the perfect way to hone in on complex characterization and the layers of complexity are widely accommodating for skill level. Whether you’re building the unit to teach as a whole class novel unit or as a literature circles unit, this book list is here to save you time and energy in narrowing down the search.
Themes VS Essential Questions
For a long time, I taught theme-based units: units were based on a teacher’s pre-selected theme and all of the learning was connected underneath the umbrella of the theme. I really liked the sense of connectedness, and quite honestly, I was craving that coming from a much less organized situation when I began my career. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the teacher-centeredness of this approach. The students had very little investment in the choice of the theme, and the direction of the conversation around the theme, and so much of it was tied to the teacher’s decided trajectory for the unit.
Inquiry, on the other hand, gave me the chance to use the best parts of themes, but deepen them and hand them over to students. Inquiry takes a thematic idea, roots it in a question, and then asks students to spend the duration of the unit investigating and exploring potential answers to that question as they progress toward the summative. Look at it this way as a “unit makeover” :
BEFORE: Unit 1: Relationships
AFTER: Unit 1: Why do relationships matter?
The thematic/topical unit states the focal point of the unit and we can assume that each of the texts in that unit will reveal different types of relationships. The inquiry unit will do those same things as the thematic unit, but nudges students a massive step further: why do they MATTER? Yes, many different types of relationships exist, but what do they do for the progress of humanity? Do we need them for survival? What are the kinds of relationships we need in our lives and which are the ones that we need to actively distance ourselves from? This one big question begs dozens of smaller ones and sets up a unit that is connected, but also divergent. A unit that is unified, but also ready to twist and turn with student curiosity. In the video below, I give a big longer take on the ways this question opens up possibilities within a unit:
Scroll through the list below of titles that are absolute perfection for this particular unit. Bookshop.org is a wonderful partner working to bring business to small, local bookstores, so if you can swing it, shop the list directly and you’ll be able to help out bookstores in your area!
What other books would you add to this list? I know there are so many that fit this EQ so perfectly and it was hard to keep the list manageable. I’d love to hear your additions in the comments!